The incredible 41 years routine of the one-day-a-week 'No Food Day'


         Advancing your Health...and the Environment!

-  A 41 years routine of the one-day-a-week 'No Food Day' -

As concerns for the environment are increasing, and obesity is becoming a national problem, I would like to make Environmentalists and Health Professionals aware of a 41 year long weekly 'No Food Day' routine.. that actually deals with both!

One day a week, I don't eat.. for over 41 years..! (See*) This literally means, I did not eat for more than 5
½ years, during my lifetime. (**)

I don’t have the access or resources to scientifically measure, analyse and assess how much a person’s health benefits from fasting routines, nor can I exactly measure how much my carbon footprint was reduced, by 'not eating for more than 5½ years'.
Therefore, I would like to ask Health and Environment Professionals, if they are interested reviewing and researching the following topics:
1.   Can scientists measure the impact on the USA’s environment, if every person over the age of 18 would arrange a 'No Food Day' for just one day this year?
2.   What will be the economic impact and general health benefits for the USA’s population, if every adult person in the US would not eat one day a month, or one day a week, during a year?
   Can a Health Professional accurately measure the physical benefits from a prolonged 
     'No Food' routine of one day a month, or one day a week?
4.  Can an Environment specialist measure how much not eating every Sunday, reduced my carbon footprint?
5.   Can I challenge the person who reads this to try and acknowledge he/she has, or has not, the willpower to successfully complete a 'No Food Day' for (only) one full day?

During my 41 years of the one-day-a-week "No Eating Day" routine, I noticed that:
- no health or environmental experts responded to scientifically assess how a day of fasting would affect health or reduce one's carbon footprint.
- about 7 people tried the willpower test not eating for just one day. (topic 5)
- only one person succeeded.. (see comments) 
- the art of self-discipline appears to become very much unpopular!


* On Thursday 16 December 1982, I started my first day of the weekly fasting cycle. In Oct/Nov 1984, I switched my fasting day from Thursdays to Sundays. 
On Sunday, 17 December 2023, I had fasted for one day a week for 41 years and 1 day, which consist of minimal 2139 fasting days in 2139 weeks and 3 days. 2139 fasting days divided by 365 (days in a year) validates the fact that as of December 2023, I did not eat any food for 5.8 years during my lifetime..!

** A No-Food-Day means consuming absolutely no solid food, nothing...not even a crumb of bread! You can only drink liquids, mostly water and sometimes fruit juices to get sugar in your body, providing energy for normal activities during the day. 


  1. A few weeks ago I started experimenting with intermitting fasting. 16 hours fasting, 8 hours eating. Scientific research proved that it is very healthy to let your body clean itself of all the bad stuff. Than I remembered that uncle 'Klop' didn't eat the entire sunday. We started texting back en forth about his expirience. It triggered and challenged me that he said that no one ever finished the 24 hours of fasting. I'm always up for a physical challenge and by telling it to Richard, I committed myself into doing it. I prepared mentally and planned a day. I choose the sunday, 5.30 PM as a starting point. Around 5.30PM I was going home from a birthday party were plenty of food was served. So I had plenty of food to go through the evening, into the night. It's true what Richard told me: it's pure mental challenge. I did not get hungry that evening, but I was a bit nervous about the next day. Monday is always a busy workday, which always costs a lot of energy. But as is became monday, skipping breakfast was easy. When I started working, still a bit nervous about the lack of food, the hours flew by. My mind was focussed on the job, not eating. Around 2.00 PM I started noticing a little bit of focus loss. I wondered a bit of during meetings. A cup of black coffee and some water fixed that problem. And then al of a sudden, it was 5.15PM. Time to go home. A 30 minute drive and there was food for me waiting at home. But to be honest, I didnt need food. My body was not screaming for it. I could last longer without food. Back home I had dinner. I was curious about how my body would react to food. I expirienced a lot of possitive thing. My mind became really clear, but at the same time I was relaxed. I felt light. The scale told me that I lost 1,5 KG body weight. My final conclusion: it's not that hard, if you can put your mind on something else. It will give you a good feeling and a clear mind afterwards. So challenge yourself every once in a while. Maybe I will try the full health Kloppie in a couple of weeks?

  2. A majority of readers will quickly turn away when reading the challenge in topic 5.
    But for the strong-willed, I inform the challenge comes in two forms:
    A. Choose the Basic 'Willpower Challenge...' which is the full -24 hour- No Eating Day.
    B. Choose the Full Health 'Kloppie' and fast for 36 hours to cleanse and revitalise your entire body. (Recommended)
    Since December 1982, only 7 people have taken up challenge A... Only one (see comment above) succeeded! No one has even dared to take on the full ‘Kloppie’.
    But if you do succeed, please write in comments your name, which challenge you took on, the date and the time schedule you did not eat.


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