Transgender - Mediocre, deviant or mentally ill people wanting to feel special.

 " a Woman "

Quora question: Where did the idea of gender fluidity come from, and is it based in science?

Answered by:

It’s a form of postmodernism, a school of philosophy that posits that there is no objective reality, so that whatever the individual believes is their truth, and thus becomes true. It’s a hair’s breadth away from solipsism in terms of how nonsensical it is, and like most all philosophy is utterly worthless and impracticable in the real world.

The idea that gender was some sort of distinct concept separate from sex was largely the work of this man, John Money, whose near psychopathic experiments on children led to suicide.

He was a paedophilia apologist, and was surrounded by other such “intellectuals”, whose ideas basically boiled down to that sexuality and gender were the preserve of the individual and therefore couldn’t ever be objectively wrong; it was all relative.

Unbelievably dangerous and irresponsible nonsense, especially considering that they were pushing the idea that paedophilia was just another part of the sexuality spectrum, but heavily influenced by postmodernism, Money and Kinsey et al’s ideas spread, and were adopted by activists among the LGBT community, in the form of queer theory in the 1990s and gender theory, both its forebear and, in its latter diluted incarnation, spiritual successor.

Both are as scientific as the end of my dick; they’re mental chewing gum, basically, and appeal primarily to people with deviant desires and/or mental problems, because gender theory especially is a nice way to reframe personality disorders and confusion as a “gender identity”.

Add to this mix a load of pseudoscientific codswallop about brain states being proof that gender exists separate from sex in a kind of schizophrenic but perfectly normal duality and you have a recipe for absolute disaster, which in practise has led to a whole load of mental cases believing that they are this and that weird thing, and being led down a rabbit hole of self-perpetuating mental illness, self obsession and egotism to the point of personal perdition.

The current trans trend is little more than an offshoot of these nonsensical ideas, and even that has already started to breakdown - now the kids are not trans, they’re this or that bizarre made up gender, dressing like it’s laundry day at the fancy dress shop, and being told by woke teachers and clueless parents that their destructive, antisocial behaviours are all good and normal.

The explosion of gender-based nonsense has gone hand in hand with social media culture, and the instant gratification it offers, as well as the ersatz empowerment of the idiot - now any fool has a potential audience of millions waiting to validate and reinforce their every nonsensical thought and utterance.

We now have an Internet-led society where utter mediocrities are lauded, where you are obliged to applaud every dumbass, immoral or downright wrong thing every idiot does as brave and valid, and where calling out nonsense, pointing to contradictions and falsehoods, and asking for evidence to support claims is declared to be bigotry.

So brave..? What a disgrace


[2] solipsism
a. the quality of being very self-centred or selfish.
"she herself elicits scant sympathy, such is her solipsism and lack of self-awareness"
the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist 
 "solipsism is an idealist thesis because ‘Only my mind exists’ entails ‘Only minds exist’"


Answer: They didn't have Tumblr and Reddit to guide them, and instead had to rely on biological reality.

It must have been terrible; imagine believing that there is only male and female! One wonders how they got by without the enlightened and productive gender-obsessed supermen that have taken our modern society to the pinnacle of happiness and harmony.

No wonder those moronic cavemen only had fire and leopard skin pants; they didn't have any non-binary, agendered or transfemme people around to point out that reality is bigoted.

If only they had had gender studies instead of stone tools and the wheel, we would now be living in a biology-free utopia, where heteronormativity was ruthlessly stamped out as the hate crime it so clearly is.

Thank goodness that nowadays we have a legion of mentally ill teenagers who can't leave the house for fear of being misgendered and an army of virtue-signalling social justice warriors to tell us how bigoted we all are for not having a personality disorder and refusing to sleep with men in dresses who insist that their penises are in fact vaginas. Thank heavens that the writings of a bunch of paedophiles in the 1960s have been embraced as better than scientific fact, and that we can keep children young and ripe for abuse with puberty blockers and hormone treatment.

I'm so grateful to live in such an enlightened time, and look forward to the tyranny of reality finally being replaced by whatever nonsense the most vocal minority group is screeching for that month. Goodbye morality! Goodbye common sense! Goodbye man and woman! To the dustbin of history with you!


EDIT - Deleted as “hate speech”, restored on appeal. Hate speech against whom? Mythical cavemen? 😂

FURTHER EDIT - This is possibly the best ratio of views to time since posting in all the time I’ve been on Quora. Thanks to everybody reading, I’m only here for a laugh but it’s nice that people read my answers, love or hate them.
